Primers / Undercoats

Epifanes Multi Marine Primer

A one-part multi purpose tie-coat or sanding and adhesion primer for above the waterline combining all characteristics of separate substrate primers in one. This primer offers excellent adhesion to wood, fiberglass, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, galvanized metal, copper and most other bare or painted substrates. Features include exceptional covering capability, high build, good grain filling and corrosion prevention on steel. If
topcoated with Epifanes Poly-urethane, allow each coat at least 72 hours (65°F./18°C.) to dry and sand with 180-220.

Fiberglass - hard plastics - steel - wood - aluminum - zinc: bonding and transition primer for interior and exterior use above the waterline. Repair and filling primer on existing one and two-component primers/paints and fully cured, degreased and coarsely sanded epoxy layers. Transition coat between one-component and two-component PU finish and reverse.

Container Size: 750 ml - 2000 ml - 4000 ml

Coverage: 1000 ml is suffi cient for 85-100 sq. ft./8-10 m² @ 2 mil dry film thickness


Thinner: Brush - Epifanes Brushthinner for Paint & Varnish
Spray - Epifanes Spraythinner for Paint & Varnish

Recoatability: With 1-comp. paints: after 12 hours at 65°F /18°C.
With 2-comp. PU paints: after at least 72 hours at
65°F /18°C.

Color: White - grey